Message 240

“And I will give you [“faith” being built up; the faith faculty within represented by Binyâmîn of the Old Covenant and Kepha (Peter) of the Renewed Covenant] the knowledge (the “yada” of the matter; to know) of the Kingdom of Yahweh to you, and whatever you will declare to be unlawful (mentally unclean) on earth (aka “ground, land, country”; the firmly held to lower thought plain of the personal will) will be that which HAS BEEN (emphasis mine) declared to be unlawful (unclean thinking) in heaven (the “lofty” thought plain where Yahweh has placed an allotted portion of His Mind), and whatever you declare to be lawful (mentally clean) on earth will be that which HAS BEEN declared to be lawful in heaven.” (Mattithyah 16:19)

The 144,000 understand it always was and always will be about unity with Yahweh's Mind, in the portion of His Mind He has allotted to chosen souls. And that the “yâdaʽ (yaw-dah); knowledge” of His Mind and all of it's commanded requirements HAS BEEN  declared! And so as the faith (Binyâmîn/Kepha faculty) is built within one's mind, through the knowledge of Yahweh via Yahshua, it is not some new thing that chosen minds would be declaring, but that which already is! It is a mind that has come into full conformity and is saying exactly what Yahweh has, is, and will always declare as true (clean).

The 144,000 have learned well that personal whims, however “right” they may seem in a moment of time, are never to be relied upon. They have learned well to “wait” upon Yahweh.


Message 239


Message 241