Message 239

The Hebrew word is mârâh מרה (maw-raw'). It's definitions are “be bitter, provoke”.

“Remember, AND NEVER FORGET (emphasis mine), how you [Israel] provoked Yahweh your Father to wrath in the wilderness (“driving”; purposed struggle within). From the day you set out from the land (firmly held to lower thought plain) of Egypt (the mind's love of the material, physical plain) until you have come to this place (the promised mental place of substance (milk) and sweetness (honey)), you have been rebellious (mârâh; bitter) against Yahweh!” (Deuteronomy 9:7)

The 144,000 understand that Yahweh has decreed that rebellion within one's mind is none other then a mind that is bitter at Yahweh. And that the bitterness has many forms, as rebellion itself manifests in many ways. And as it was when Miriam (the mind's former rebellions) cried out, “Sing to Yahweh for He has triumphed gloriously!”, many thoughts derived of the personal will would not do so. They rather desired the material, physical life. (Exodus 15:21-24)

It has been well said that roots of rebellion involve “soul ties” that our ancestors of old have passed down, generation to generation. The 144,000 seek out these soul ties through prayer and petition. They understand that deep cleansing is needed within and that some of these core issues require both prayer and fasting. (Mattithyah 17:21) And they do the work!


Message 238


Message 240