Message 238

Its a word we have previously vetted, the word dabâr (daw-bar'), it's definitions “arrange, spoken”. We saw how it had many common translations, but how “plan” best described the Hebraic intent of the word:

“In the beginning was the plan (dabâr) of Yahweh, and the plan (dabâr) was with Yahweh, and the plan (dabâr) was Yahweh's.” (Yahchanan 1:1)

It's a word first found at Genesis 15:1 - “... the plan (dabâr) of Yahweh came to Abram (“high father”) in a vision (a mental “perception”; not “words”), saying, 'Fear not...'”

All of these truths bring us to another word that is commonly utilized to translate dabâr, the word “promise(s)(d)”. Yes indeed the Hebraic intent certainly would approve of the idea that His plan is indeed His promise. Lets look at Hebrews 6:13-14 to emphasize this truth: “For Yahweh made a promise (dabâr; His plan; His Unilateral Mind Contract with chosen souls) to Abraham (formerly the Abram of Genesis 15:1 above), because He could vow by no one greater, He vowed by Himself (the “Unilateral” plan), saying, 'Surely in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply you (the “multitude” of renewing thoughts placed into chosen minds via Yahweh's presence within).'”


Message 237


Message 239