Message 237

“Yahchanan (thoughts regarding praise of Yahweh and His mercy) answered, and said, 'A man [existing conscience] can receive (mentally “take”) nothing, unless it is given to him from Yahweh'”. (Yahchanan 3:27)

The 144,000 understand that the “nothing” above has an intent far deeper then what is perceived on the surface. It is imperative to realize that as it is with enlightenment, so be it with abasement. That a mind that either scoffs at or denies both Yahweh and Yahshua, is given that mindset (the “nothing”aspect of disobedience)! It can never be that a soul of it's own accord, longs for eternal torment. And that the inner denial and disbelief is specifically set within each mind headed towards damnation. Set by Yahweh as that which they are to receive.

“Yahweh kills and makes alive; He brings down to the grave and raises up. Yahweh makes poor and makes rich; He brings low and lifts up.” (I Samuel 2:6-7)

The 144,000 are diligent about signs and seasons. They understand that masses of humanity have received from Yahweh a complete inability to perceive Himself or His son. That they are in a very dangerous place, proclaiming that life is “good”, and yet, Yahweh is found no where within that life; never spoken of, never given glory for all things. This is their portion from Yahweh.


Message 236


Message 238