Message 236
The 144,000 are very in tune (consciously of course) with the fact that when Yahweh declares, “This is how..!”, that whatever the matter He is speaking to, IT IS HOW!
We have previously vetted the word commonly translated as “bless/blessed/blessing”, and we find it has different words to express both “happiness” and a mind “kneeling” before Yahweh. At Numbers 6:23-27, in regards to blessing His children (those called “Israel”), Yahweh has said “This is how”...: “Say to them, 'Yahweh bless you and keep (“hedge, protect”) you. Yahweh make His face (mental “countenance”) shine (“luminous”) upon you and be merciful (“bend”; tend over) to you. Yahweh lift up His countenance (Mind's “face”) upon you, and give you peace (mental “wellness”).' So they will put My name (Yahweh) on the children (“builders”) of Israel (“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power”), and I will bless them.”
What about you? You who would say, “I want to bless my own family and Yahweh's people.” Is this a daily prayer of yours unto them? If not will you consider that you are somehow in disbelief that “this is how” you do so? And will you understand that doing so is saying something about whether or not you believe Yahweh at His word?