Message 235

The Hebrew word is Yaʽbêts יעכץ (yah-bates'). It's definitions are “grieve, sorrowful”.

“Yabez (“grieve, sorrowful”) called on the Father (“Chief,” Thinker) of Israel (“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power”), saying, 'Oh, that You would truly bless me, and enlarge (“broaden”) my border (“twisted, bound”), that Your hand (ability to mentally “grasp”) would be with me, and that You would keep (“hedge, protect”) me from wickedness, so I might not be harmed.' So Yahweh granted him his request.” (I Chronicles 4:10)

The 144,000 understand what Yabez was requesting. They know that grief and sorrow are indeed part and parcel of what is required to move “self” into utter desolation. And to request a greater mental clarity (enlargement) within the process allows one to see both the depths of one's own depravity, and at the same instance, Yahweh's covenanted promise to bind to them while the pain is taking place.

Yes indeed, the 144,000 know that one day the wolf (“fear”) and the lamb (timidity) will lay together, and they covet that promise. But not at the expense of an ascension BEFORE physical death. They understand that grief and sorrow must expand for the exaltation to come. They suffer well in the process. This is indeed why Yabez was declared to be “more worthy of honor” (4:9) then his brothers (mental “affinity”).


Message 234


Message 236