Message 234

The Greeks freely acknowledge that their word Christŏs (Khris-tos') is their translation of the Hebrew word mâshîyach (commonly translated as “Messiah”). What they fail to acknowledge are the many scriptural blunders that transpire due to the many translations, wherein instead of actually writing “anointed, anointing”, they utilize “Christ”.

The 144,000 know that Yahweh's “anointed” includes multiple people and things: Wafers (Exodus 29:2), Priests (Leviticus 4:16), King Saul (I Samuel 26:11), King David (II Samuel 5:3), Yahweh's chosen (Psalm 105:15), and of course, Yahshua. And to simply use “Christ” as a template for “anoint and anointed”, actually misrepresents the Hebraic intent of many Scriptures. Just a few examples should do:

“For the righteousness (right thinking) by faith speaks in this way: Do not say in your heart (“center of intellect”); who will ascend into heaven? That is to bring the anointing (mind “rubbed” with Yahweh's will) down? Or who will descend into the grave (depravity of fallen mindedness)? That is to bring the anointing up?” (Romans 10:6-7) This “anointing” is that which is imputed to everyone and everything Yahweh had previously decreed. And of course we know these words of Deuteronomy 30:11-14, include no Greek “Christ” references. This verse is of and about ALL of Yahweh's chosen, and His “rubbing” upon them all, and not just Yahshua.


“For the love of the anointing (Yahweh's connectivity with both people and things) compels us, because we judge in this way: That if one died for all, then we are all dead.” (II Corinthians 5:14)

The 144,000 know well that Yahshua perfectly utilized the anointing, allowing for the courage he needed to die to his own will and show all others the way. They also know that the anointing was not to be translated as “Christ” in many more Renewed Covenant verses.


Message 233


Message 235