Message 233
It would start in Genesis and by none other then the mental faculty of “Judgment/Justice” (the “Dan” tribe within every chosen soul). The cry of Dan: “I have waited for Your salvation O Yahweh!” (Genesis 49:18)
The 144,000 understand that the cry for salvation is a specific cry for Yahshua. They understand that in the Hebraic language the Hebrew word for “salvation, save” utilized many times in Scripture is Yeshûwʽâh יהושע (yesh-oo-aw), from the root word Yâshaʽ ישע (yaw-shah').
“I have waited for Your Yahshua, O Yahweh!”
The 144,000 also perceive the name at Exodus 14:13 and 15:2, as well as at Deuteronomy 32:15 and many other places in the Old Covenant. That Yahshua was also the hope of the Priest, prophet, and king of old. Not some new character named after Zeus, but a Hebrew savior from the mental faculty of Yahdah (the “praise” faculty within, commonly translated as “Judah”). They know that to remove the exact name the Father gave His first born son (“builder”) is to remove “salvation” itself! And they understand there is room for intricacies in the pronunciation of said name – whether “Yesh” or “Yaw” or “Yah”, in all of these, salvation is not removed!