Message 232

Yaaqob said it. (Genesis 32:10) Yahchanan said it. (Mattithyah 3:11) The centurion said it. (Luke 7:6) Shaul said it. (I Timothy 1:15)

The Hebrew word is gâtôn קטן (kaw-tone'). It's definitions are “diminish, no account”. In regards to the blessings each man [thoughts] above received, the chief being connectivity to Yahweh's will, their response, “I am not gâtôn (commonly translated as “worthy”)!” I am not worthy, and yet the 144,000 understand that this disseminates not from shame or self hate within, but rather, awe and wonder at Yahweh's kindness, favor, love and much more. Matters of the mind touched by Yahweh's Mind and the ether of His Mind's presence invigorating the soul.

The 144,000 rise each morning to foundational understandings that have been literally seered (specific spelling purposed) into their minds. Of the most illuminated are those that speak in such a way: “Yahweh if You were to allow even an ounce of my own will to guide any matter whatsoever, it would ruin it all. If you remove Your Mind's presence from mine for even just a moment, I would be that dog returning to vomit (Proverbs 26:11, II Kepha 2:22).”

“I am of no account!” The right perspective of a soul filled by His presence. A perspective held to every second of every minute of every hour of every day.


Message 231


Message 233