Message 231
Yahweh is perfect in all matters, nuance being one of them. In His language of creation, the Hebrew language, “secret” and “hidden” are synonymous, and Yahweh said, “The secret things belong to Me.” (Deuteronomy 29:29) When Yahshua spoke of prayer he of course worked within the nuance of the Father: “But you, when you pray (“beseech”, as well as “judge, intercede”), go into the secret (covert, hidden thoughts regarding Yahweh's will) place, and when you have shut (“enclosed”) the door (“open, plow”; access to Yahweh's will), pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly (“turns”; showing His countenance). And when you pray, do not use mindless (emotions lacking wisdom and understanding) repetitions as the heathen (“divisions”). For they [divided thoughts] think that they will be heard because they speak so much.... your Father knows what things you have need of BEFORE (emphasis mine) you ask Him.” (Mattithyah 6:6-8)
The 144,000 perceive potential fruit found in group prayer, and yet they also understand that prayer as commonly acted upon, is not found anywhere in the Scriptures: joining hands with others, praying out loud, eyes closed, head bowed. They see how man's traditions have infiltrated. They also have found that praying “for others” in that secret place indeed contains much more substance. And yes those private prayers do manifest out in the open as promised.