Message 230

“I [Yahshua] am the living (consciously active) bread (mind food) out of Yahweh, which came down (from Yahweh's lofty (heaven) thought plain, to the fallen (“earth, world, land, way, country”; thought plain). If any man [thoughts] eats (consciously consumes) of this bread, he will live (mentally prosper) forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh (“raw, active” thoughts), that I will give (mentally “slaughter”) for the life (chosen minds) of the world (“moist, flow”; Yahweh's perfect, sinless thought expanse, which is NOT man's “world”).” (Yahchanan 6:51)

The 144,000 understand that when Yahshua proclaimed to be offering up his “flesh”, it was true to Hebraic intent; NOT SPEAKING TO THINGS PHYSICAL!! What he was offering up was his “right” to allow any of his “raw, active thoughts”, to be guided by his personal will. He was slaughtering his personal will for chosen souls. His offering was a blueprint to one's own removal of all carnally rooted thoughts within, and the ideas that they form; the foreign (gentile) nations (constructs of thought) within!! And Yahshua made it very clear in all the words he spoke, that it was NEVER to be misconstrued as, “I did it for you, so you don't have to!” This of course being the exact opposite of today's modern church mantra: “Its all finished in Christ, the Law is done away with!”

The 144,000 are intimately aware that everything Yahshua spoke and therefore acted upon, was to show a chosen soul how to “deny himself, and take up his yoke (mental perversity)...” (Mattithyah 16:24) A blueprint of the mind paths back to total unity with the Mind of Yahweh – activated solely by acceptance of Yahshua's life (mind) offering of his own self (personal will that was separate from the Father's will)!


Message 229


Message 231