Message 229

The 144,000 are not the only “sealed” (“close”; see Revelation 7:3) ones. This Hebrew word, châtham חתם (khaw-tham'), we have previously vetted. We have also seen that it is the root word for chôwthâm חותם (kho-thawm'), which is defined as “signature”. A word also commonly translated as “seal”, but also “signet”. In this we can perceive a mental image of an earthly king dipping his ring into wax, a wax “seal” over an official document, thus announcing, “Pay very strict attention to this, it's from the king!”

Again, there is more then 144,000, even if the marching orders may vary:

“Do not labor (mentally strive) for food (mental nourishment/physical food) that perishes (mentally decays/physically rots), but for that food (the mental goods) which endures to everlasting life (everlasting life = eternal mind), which the son (“builder”; Yahshua) of man (existing thoughts/physical human) will give to you; because Yahweh the Father has sealed (mentally closed in and perfected) him (the “Yahweh saves” mindset).” (Yahchanan 6:27)

And with a deeper dive we find that Yahweh has also “sealed” various objects - transgressions, words, etc.... A work the 144,000 will take great pleasure in unveiling!


Message 228


Message 230