Message 228
We have previously learned that shekel (“weight, poise”) of the sanctuary (Yahweh's “consecrated, sacred” place within chosen souls) is silver (“pine”; the soul's longing for the currency of “love”). We also do well to understand the gerah נרון (gay-raw'). It's definition is “scraped”. At Exodus 30:13 we learn that sheqel (sheh-kel) (shekel) is twenty (“accumulate”) gerahs (“scraped”).
Can we perceive that weight (shekel) involves substance? And because we are dealing with Kingdom matters, the substance has to do with matters regarding Holiness? And so in vetting out the Hebraic intent of the gerah, we simply place words in there proper order: “The substance (shekel) is accumulated (twenty) little by little (scraping), thus producing a love that never fails.” (I Corinthians 13:8) And because we understand the Hebraic intent, it allows us to consider that the poor (“weak, destitute, impoverished, depressed”) man [thoughts] has a stake in the matter, no matter how lowly his position may seem in any current moment. And in this wonderful truth we come to better understand how indeed Yahweh is, “no respecter of persons.” (Leviticus 19:15, Deuteronomy 1:17, 16:19, II Samuel 14:14, II Chronicles 19:7, Proverbs 24:23, 28:21, Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11, Ephesians 6:9, Colossians 3:25, Yaaqob (James) 2:9, I Kepha (Peter) 1:17)
Keep loving. Keep saving. Keep growing.