Message 227
“Now I [“praise” within chosen minds, yet fully restored; the “Yahchanan (John)” faculty within] did not recognize (consciously perceive) him (the “Yahweh saves” mindset; Yahshua), but that he should be revealed (mentally perceived) to Israel (the twelve mental faculties/tribes, “ruled by and for Yahweh's power”) is the reason I [the “praise” faculty] come immersing (consciously bathing) with water (mental “fruitification”; see I Kepha (Peter) 3:18-21).” (Yahchanan 1:31)
The 144,000 have long realized that when one's own personal perceptions (the internal kind) try to intermix with Yahweh's will, the truth becomes unrecognizable. In the mind “working out it's salvation,” the realization of the importance of the entity known as “time” becomes clearer, day by day. Yahchanan as with Yehûwdâh (“Judah”) of the Old Covenant, represents the “praise/love” faculty within every mind. Yahweh selected this particular faculty to “immerse” the others in the “Yahweh saves” mindset. As the Yahchanan (John) faculty matures, so too will the others, but “praise” leads the way, and that very praise within must continue when the journey seems long.
The 144,000 are patient because they “grew” to glorify Yahweh in His patience towards them. Understanding that being immersed into a process that ends in mental perfection (salvation), is just the beginning phase. They also know the days are very short and among those mental attributes most precious in end days, is the patience to endure, and by endure it means “mentally overcome” all that will be.