Message 244
As it is with distinctly separate wills (the will of fallen men and the will of Yahweh), so it is in the understanding of distinctly separate kingdoms (one of course of the upper case (Kingdom), all others lower case (kingdom)). The Hebrew word describing that which speaks to the realm in which Yahweh Alone reigns with Total Dominion, is called malkûyâh מלכות (mal-koo-yâh). And all other man made kingdoms, first found at Genesis 10:10, have the Hebrew word mamlâkâh ממלכה (mam-law-kaw'). Indeed there will be no yaw (yah) in the fallen kingdoms of carnal man's making. No ability to access His Mind, no ability to rule with justice and righteousness.
And yet we find a very interesting nuance in the verses of Daniel 9:20-25. That the “four kingdoms” set up to bring destruction upon the “mighty and the holy people” (9:24, see also Revelation 6:9-11), are indeed instructed to do so via Yahweh's decree! That in reference to these four wicked “kingdoms”, they are given the Hebrew word malkûyâh (dominion ruled by Yahweh) as well. Again, the only time man ruled kingdoms have “Yahweh” included.
The 144,000 understand the significance and both ponder and pray over the ramifications, often. That the destruction brought by these four kingdoms to take the lives (physically) of the mighty and holy people, His people, is His doing. Yahweh does not change and when He decreed that chosen children must “lose their life to find their life”, He meant it! And yet the 144,000 will not face physical death for they have internally died to their own will before the time decreed at Daniel, and fulfilled at Revelation.