Message 245
“By this [testing the truth and from whence the wisdom and understanding comes] you will know the Mind of Yahweh: Every mind that confesses (the “yahdah” of the matter; to mentally “grasp” that Yahweh's Mind is Supreme) that Yahshua the anointed (“rubbed” with Yahweh's Mind) STARTED (emphasis mine) in the flesh (“full, fresh”; protected (garden) thoughts before activating bondage to the personal will) is of Yahweh.” (I Yahchanan (John) 4:2)
The 144,000 fully comprehend that Yahshua absolutely could have failed – and yet he didn't!!! Every mind had the chance to start clean and stay clean (fully connected to Yahweh's will alone), and yet Adam #1, the representation of all, proved we chose the unclean instead. Yahshua (Adam #2) didn't! He died to every single temptation (Hebrews 4:15) and never once activated his personal will within. Such an amazing amazing amazing daily feat, and for years! It is this true reality that has and will continue to inspire the 144,000 right into mental perfection (the “sealing” of Revelation 7:3). No excuses! No excuses! Perfection a must!!