Message 246
The Hebrew word is ʼĕmûnâh אמוגה (em-oo-naw'). It's definitions are “firmness, security”. It's root word is ʼâman אמן (aw-man'); “build, support”. It is this word commonly translated as “faithfulness”, but also “stability”, that we discuss today.
The 144,000 understand very well, that one's peace and confidence in all matters pertaining to life (mind), is 100% correlated to one's beliefs about Who Yahweh says He is! And if the “beliefs” are not rooted and grounded in “truth” as Yahweh declares truth to be, then mental stability will be shaky at best. You may have noticed that the root word sounds very much like the “amen” that often follows the prayers of those involved in the modern church. At the ending of each prayer, saying, “Support this prayer Father”. But if the prayer is not aligning with His expressed will (the totality of His written Mind patterns; Laws) the prayer will not be answered!
The 144,000 have seen the rampant depression within the modern church; the lack of peace. They also perceive the root cause, summed up in such statements as, “The Law has been done away with, its all about grace now.” Statements that guarantee mental instability and yet, the predicament remains. Listen again: peace and confidence within your mind is directly related to obedience to Yahweh's Mind patterns (Laws); belief in Yahweh as He claims to be, and not who you would like Him to be!
“Wisdom (mental experience and shrewdness FROM Yahweh) and knowledge (the “yada” of the matter, “to know” FROM Yahweh) will be the stability (mind's security) of your times (mind's revolutions), and the strength (mental firmness FROM Yahweh) of salvation (the name “Yahshua”; the “Yahweh saves” mindset); the reverence (total mental respect and awe) of Yahweh, His treasure (His Mind “deposited” into yours).” (Isayah 33:6)