Message 248
“Nâdâb (naw-dawb') (“liberal, volunteer”; impetuousness in thinking) and ʼAbîyhûwʼ (ab-ee-hoo') (“chief self”; grandizement of one's own way of thinking), the sons (“builders”) of ʼAhărôwn (a-har-one') (“illuminate”; thoughts that comprehend Yahweh's will), each took his censer (“removal, ruin”; mental cleansing) and put fire (“burn”; convictions) in it, put incense (“fumigate (sweetness)”; the mind's homage) on it, and offered (“bring near”) unauthorized, profane (“foreign”) fire (convictions) in front of Yahweh, contrary to His Law (Mind patterns for chosen souls).” (Leviticus 10:1)
We see at chapter 16 of Leviticus, that to enter the Most Holy Place on a whim, is strictly forbidden (16:1-2). And because it is of and about a Kingdom within, we understand that Yahweh does not allow uncleanliness (wicked thinking) to stand before Him. Much slaughtering (“sacrifice”) of one's own personal will is required before one can access Yahweh.
Nadab and Abihu exist within every soul and yet Yahweh does not reconcile the thoughts within every soul. As with ʽÊsâv (ay-sawv') (commonly known as “Esau”; the mind's carnality) some souls are left in their eternal wickedness (Malachyah 3:1-2, Romans 9:13). The 144,000 understand very well that the personal will does not get to choose how to worship and implore to Yahweh. He alone offers ALL patterns of how one must think and therefore act, and “perfection” makes it obvious that there is no variations offered!