Message 249

“Because He [Yahweh] chose (“try, select”) with him [Yahshua; the “Yahweh saves” mindset] before (before means BEFORE!) the foundations (“founding”) of the world (Yahweh's “têbêl”; His pure thought streams that represent His will), that we were [before “choosing” to fall] to be holy (mentally pure) and without blame (mentally clean) before Him in [consciously upheld by] love. Preordaining (Unilaterally deciding) us to be His children (“builders” of His Mind's Kingdom within) by adoption (Unilaterally choosing) through (via) Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) the anointed (“rubbed” with Yahweh's mind), according to the righteous (right thinking) pleasure (the “Eden” of the matter) of His plan.” (Ephesians 1:4-5)

Even at this stage of our time together, some of you have cringed at the use of the words “chosen children”, often utilized. And the reason for this is due to misperceptions of the entirety of Yahweh's “plan”. A plan that “Before the foundations of the world”, fully realized that every single created soul would fall from His plan. A plan to have a creation obey commands and thus always be perfectly connected to His Mind, and yet as stated, the same plan that allows for the fall. The 144,000 understand that the totality of Hebraic intent teaches one overwhelming and overriding truth within His plan: Every single human ever created would implement the personal will, thus forsaking commands, choosing death (the mind's eternal separation from Yahweh's Mind)! And Yahweh in His Sovereignty, simply pulled those He chose from the death (mental “hell”) that every human deserved. And though to the 144,000 this even at times is hard to understand, they acquiesce to another overriding theme of the Scriptures: Yahweh can only do that which is perfectly done in perfect love, for perfect love is His representation of Himself!


Message 248


Message 250