Message 250

“Therefore, just as sin (mental transgressions of Yahweh's commands) entered the world (Yahweh's perfect thought expanse before fallen minds were banished from it; His têbêl) through one man [thought], and death (separation from Yahweh's will) through sin, and in this way [transgression of Yahweh's commands] death spread to all men, because all sinned.” (Romans 5:12)

The 144,000 have heard it said, “Well all men sinned BECAUSE of Adam!” There could be nothing further from the truth and the improper understanding of the Hebraic intent of the Kingdom within chosen men, speaks the exact opposite. As does the verse above! That “because all sinned”,  represents the totality of Scripture and again, Hebraic intent, it would be a cruel Father that would blame a soul for a sin he did not personally commit. And so Yahweh makes it very clear that it would not have been necessary to place millions upon millions in the same position as Adam, to indeed see all would follow suit and fall! “And in this way (the disregard of commands for personal “choice”) death spread to all men, BECAUSE ALL SINNED (emphasis mine). The quite whispers (the “serpent” known as “self”) enticing a soul to forsake commands. It's within every soul simply because Yahweh's plan allowed for it. The 144,000 understand that even if Yahweh, after years of obedience to His will, took His presence from within for even a moment, they would again transgress! And they know they cannot blame Adam for that fact.


Message 249


Message 251