Message 251
It is in the quiet moments when you realize deep within, in the core of every thought you've ever had, that only Yahweh can fill your mind and soul with all of it's longings. A wife or husband can't do it. A man's own children can't do it. Physical possessions can't even come close. Only the One Who created you can fill every empty space within. And to know that His perfect design was to make it so, is that which forever stands as the litmus test for every thought one thinks.
And one learns! The litmus test of “Only You Yahweh!”, never changes. It never becomes, “You and other people and things”, but only ever, “Only You Yahweh!” The 144,000 have marveled, cried often, rebelled, praised, visited despair and more, over the truth that the mind is only ever filled by “You Alone, O Yahweh!” And the personal wills resistance to this is a place where the 144,000 have also marveled, despaired, cried often, wept even more.
It's not a game loved one. Life is not some silly, unpurposed, sick joke. It is the manifestation of a Creator's interpersonal answer to a question posed: And what shall be My best plan to express love? And who but this Ever-knowing Creator named Yahweh would answer Himself, saying, “By letting them sin against Me of course!” The 144,000 are awestruck within by the ramifications of it all.
“To whom would we (the twelve mental faculties) go? You [Yahweh and Yahshua] have the plans of eternal life.” (Yahchanan 6:68)