Message 252

“I cannot carry (“lift”) all these people (congregating thoughts from each realm of the twelve faculties/tribes/disciplines) by myself. The burden is too heavy for me... do not let me see the failure of my hopes and efforts. Yahweh said to Mosheh (thoughts that “draw out” the will of Yahweh), 'Gather and bring to Me seventy (“complete”) elders (“be old (build)”; seasoned, mature thoughts) of Israel (“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power”; the twelve mental faculties/disciplines), who you know to be the leaders (best thoughts) and officials (“just” thoughts) among the people... Then I will come down (to the lower thought plain) and talk with you there, and I will take of the Mind (Yahweh's allotted presence of Himself, to chosen souls) that is upon you and will put upon them, and they shall bear the burden of the people (congregating thoughts) with you, so you may not bear it yourself alone.'” (Numbers 11:14-17)

Specific verses, revealing how in fact Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Contract (Covenant) with chosen souls, takes effect. The literal replacement of all thoughts borne forth of the personal will, replaced by thoughts borne forth of Yahweh's Mind. We previously discussed how it would never be that Yahweh's plan intended for a chosen one to become a “better version of the old me”, but rather “a new creation!” (II Corinthians 5:17)

The 144,000 are so closely connected that they can immediately perceive from what source each and every thought they think comes. They are quick to capture and crucify any one thought that wreaks of the personal will. And they marvel at how “little by little” (Deuteronomy 7:22-24), those thoughts borne of the personal will get less and less, day by day, in Yahweh's will. And little by little, all burdens disappear. What a marvelous Covenant indeed.


Message 251


Message 253