Message 253

“Looking (consciously turning to and facing) to Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) the first who was led (consciously guided) and perfected (mentally completed) in the faith (mind's “establishment” and “security”). Who, for the joy (mental “glee”) that was set (promised via Yahweh's word) before him; endured the sacrifice (“slaughtering” of the totality of his personal will), despising (consciously “disesteeming”) the shame (mind's “disappointments”); and is set (established in mind) down at the right (wisdom, kindness, victory) hand (mind's “grasping”) of the throne (mind's “fullness”) of Yahweh!” (Hebrews 12:2)

The 144,000 know that thousands of years of man (carnal) made doctrines are destroyed in an instant, via the proper understanding of the Hebraic intent of the verse above. Starting with the truth that many have been conditioned to believe the entire Renewed Covenant itself, was written in Greek. We have also previously discussed the ever deceptive doctrine borne forth over three thousand plus years after Mosheh wrote His words; the “Trinity” conundrum.

The 144,000 LOOK to Yahshua! To consciously perceive exactly how to sacrifice (mentally “slaughter”) every single thought that is not finding it's source in the Mind of Yahweh. And not only this, but to also learn to be ever so thankful to be chosen to face and destroy their own “self”, understanding that it will often mean being greatly humbled, and embracing it! This is what it means to “despise the shame”! They know that it must be so. The personal will must be eviscerated!


Message 252


Message 254