Message 254
“Thank You!”, says so very much. The 144,000 know that when one's mind is exclaiming the thanks, it is doing so with the internal recognition that there is One Sovereign King, and that He ALONE is the source of all good things; all that a mind can be thankful for!
And of course the Hebrew word for “thank(s)(ful)” is yâdâh ירה (yaw-daw). It's a word previously vetted, wherein we learned that it's root word is yâd יר (yawd). Not only the tenth letter of the Hebrew aleph-beis (alphabet), but also the first letter in the Mighty Name Yahweh! The “yawd/yaw” of the matter. And the 144,000 understand that it only makes perfect sense that every time a mind utters “Thank you”, He has contained His Name automatically within those words! We know also that yâdâh and yâd both mean “open, power”. Again, as one utters “Thank you”, one is automatically speaking the “yah” of the matter, but also internally recognizing how the mind is clean (open) to His voice within and the ability to grasp (hand) His power within.
Listen closely loved one. Hebraic intent is always precise, always correct, and often hidden. But think not that Yahweh does not take His Dominion over all things, very seriously. And it is so with a thankful mind. That the equation He has made available to those who daily give Him thanks and praise, are doing the math:
Thank You! = Yahweh, You!