Message 255

Shed abroad! Shed Abroad! Shed Abroad!

Mind and love! Mind and love! Mind and love!

The 144,000 know that these two factors, intricately one and the same, set that stage for one's opportunity for mental salvation; being made perfect in  love! Within are two very specific verses that speak specifically to the Hebraic intent of all of Scripture, but first we look at the Hebrew word that expresses “How?” it all happens. The Hebrew word is shâphak שפך (shaw-fak'). It's definitions are “spill, expend”. Often translated as “pour, shed”, we find the “How?”. Both “Mind” and “love” are literally “spilled” and “expended” into chosen souls, thus activating the permission for that mind to begin the “salvation” process:

“And hope does not disappoint us because Yahweh has poured (shâphak) out His love  (the “never failing” and only love that exists) into our minds (active life breath) by the Holy Mind which He has given (A GIFT!!!) us.” (Romans 5:5) His Love, a gift placed within us via another gift, His Mind!!!

“He saved us – not outside the work of righteousness (right thinking) which we had done, but according to His mercy (His gift of compassion and kindness) – through the washing (mental cleansing) of regeneration (mental rebirth), and renewal (the chance to “rebuild” within) of the Holy Mind, which He abundantly poured (shâphak) out upon us through Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) the anointed (“rubbed” with Yahweh's Mind), our Yahshua (Yahweh's salvation).” (Titus 3:5-6)

Mind and love, shed abroad within chosen souls!!!


Message 254


Message 256