Message 256
The 144,000 understand the utter ramifications of Yahweh's decision to pour out His love and His mind (Romans 5:5, Titus 3:5-6) into chosen souls. That without these two magnanimous factors, salvation would be eradicated and all souls mentally banished from His Mind's presence – forever!
Should there be any wonder why even Yahshua understood and therefore exclaimed, “Why call me righteous? There is only One Who is the standard of perfect righteousness (right thinking), and that is Yahweh Only.” (Luke 18:19)
It is in these two things, Mind and love, that Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Contract is enacted, but we must of course add one more factor, one more gift Yahweh has poured (shâphak) into His chosen. We start at Luke 7:47-50.
“Therefore I [Yahshua] say to you [twelve mental faculties/disciplines]: Her (emotions yet fully redeemed) sins (mental transgressions), though many, are forgiven; for she loved (activated His gift of love within) much. But to whom little is forgiven, loves little. Then he said to her, 'Your sins (mind transgressions) are forgiven.' But those who sat at the table (offering) with him, began to say to themselves, 'Who is this who forgives sins too?' And he said to the woman (emotions), 'This faith (another gifted aspect of Yahweh's Covenant) will lead you to salvation (Yahshua – the “Yahweh saves” mindset). Go in peace.'”
The 144,000 understand that if there were ever anyone who might be able to claim, on day one of their mind's awaking, “I'm saved!”, it would have been her. They also know that salvation (a mind made perfect with Yahweh's Mind) is anything but a one day event! And so we find that with His “Mind” and His “love”, Yahweh also gifts the chosen, “faith” to not sin.
“... do not think of yourself (your “self”) more highly then you ought, but rather, think soberly, in accordance as Yahweh has dealt (gifted) to each one the measure of faith.” (Romans 12:3)