Message 257

The Hebrew word môwʽêd מוער (mo-ade'). It's definition are “appointment, fix”.

Never pertaining to life physical in the first instance, we have learned that the Hebrew language, with it's Hebraic intent, is a language Yahweh intended to be mysterious (hidden).

“Concerning the Feasts (môwʽêd; “appointment, fix”) of Yahweh, which you [chosen minds] shall proclaim (“accosting”; mentally bind to) to be Holy (“be clean”; perfect thinking) Convocations (“called, meeting”); these are My [Yahweh] Feasts.” (Exodus 23:2)

Appointed, fixed times, to meet with the Mind of Yahweh in order to devour His will. We have come too far to pretend that these are “some Jewish things”, or even, “Old Covenant stuff”.

“These [as prescribed in the whole of chapter 23 of Leviticus] are the Feasts (appointed times to meet and consume of Yahweh's will) of Yahweh which you shall proclaim as Holy Convocations, to offer (consciously “slaughter”) an offering made by fire (“burn”; righteous conviction), a burnt (“ascend”; the mind's homage) offering, a grain (“eat, consume”; thoughts regarding faith and sustenance). A sacrifice (“slaughter”; repentance of the unruly within), and drink (“pour”; confession) offerings, required on each day.” (Exodus 23:37)

 The 144,000 know that pagan “holi” days (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine's, Mother's/Father's day, etc...) are all rooted in the carnality of the fallen mind. They also know that Yahweh's “Holy” days are rooted in His Mind and are the special times and seasons He has seen fit in which to share His Mind with others. Could there ever be any greater festivities then those where the mind is utterly connected to His Mind!!!


Message 256


Message 258