Message 259
It's root word we have utilized often, or should I say we have used it's common translation often. The Hebrew word is pethach פתח (peh'-thakh). It's definition is “opening”. It's root word is pâthach פתח (paw-thakh'). It's definitions are “open, loosen, begin, plow”. Interestingly when this word pethach is used in regards to “more then one”, in it's plurality, we see a different Hebrew word. The word is deleth רלת (deh'-leth). It's definitions are “swinging, dangling, drawout.”
The 144,000 understand that pethach (“opening”) is the “door” within, wherein one can access either the will of Yahweh, or any and all constructs of the fallen will. And that in its plural state, the “doors” within were drawn in and enticed by either Yahweh's will, or the enticement of the carnal mind.
Mental entrances, mental enticements, which lead us to another Hebrew word that merits understanding. The Hebrew word is câphaph ספף (saw-faf'). It's definitions are “snatch, terminate”. We utilize a verse to reveal hidden mysteries:
“I would rather be a câphaph (“door keeper”; mind that receives from Yahweh and rejects all that the “self” produces) in the House (totality of allotted thoughts Yahweh has granted to His chosen children) of Yahweh, then to dwell (consciously reside) in the tents (“clearly”; best thinking) of the wicked”. (Psalm 84:10)