Message 260

In the midst of the messages, the “still small voice” (I Kings 19:12) indeed whispers. And in this instance it is this message from the following verses, that He nudges about:

“If you turn away your foot (mind's “going”) from the shabbâth (shab-bawth') (commonly translated as “sabbath”; “intermission, repose”; mental rest), doing your own (“self” induced) pleasure (mind's “desire”) on My Holy (“clean” in thought) day, and call shabbâth (mental rest based upon trust in Yahweh's total provision) a delight: the holy day of Yahweh honorable (“heavy, weighty”), and will honor Him, not doing your own ways (personal mind paths), nor finding your own [“self” induced] pleasure, nor engaging in idle (“slack”; loose thoughts) conversation (mind speech); then you will find your joy (mind's “glee”) in Yahweh, and I will cause you to ride (“dispatch”; mentally go forth) on the high (“exalted”) places (mind spaces) of the earth (thoughts firmly bound to the lower thought plain, lest Yahweh intervened), and feed (mentally nourish) you with the heritage (mental lineage) of Yaʽăqôb (the mind's thoughts “supplanted” by Yahweh's Mind, placed within chosen souls) your Father (“chief” thinker) – for the breath (i.e. “Mind”) of Yahweh has spoken.” (Isayah 58:13-14)

Mental rest via a Father Who mandates it to further reveal His absolute care, over and for His chosen children. The 144,000 know that a mind rested on a commanded day to do so, is a mind saying, “I trust You for Your provision, every day of the week.” And they understand how many sabbaths it took to actually calm the storms within and bring the mind into calm conformity:

“I'm commanded to carry no burden today Abba, please help me obey You in this Mighty Yahweh. In Yahshua's name I ask it.”


Message 259


Message 261