Message 261
There are two specific Hebrew words that speak to a matter crucial to mankind, more specifically, the 144,000:
raʻ רע (rah); “bad, spoil, breaking”
râshâʻ רשע (raw-shaw'); “wrong, violate”
Both words, commonly translated as “wicked” and “evil”, demonstrate Hebraic intent that one must pay attention to. Many verses sum up what is soon to transpire and we forget not that it starts within: “We know that we (chosen minds/chosen people) belong to Yahweh, and that the whole world (total thought expanse of fallen minds) is under the control of the mighty (“chief” carnal thoughts/carnal leaders).” (I Yahchanan 5:19)
We know. We know. We should know! At the crux of the matter is that the 144,000 understand that the “bad, spoil, breaking, wrong, violate”, is APPROVED by Yahweh; part of His plan from the very beginning. And the magnanimity of this resides in how a mind will navigate through times when Yahweh allows this wickedness to come to greater force: “Fear none of these things which you WILL (emphasis mine) suffer. Behold, the adversary (will that opposes Yahweh in every way; the sâtân known as “self”) will cast some of you into prison (“build surrounded”; mental confinement), that you may be tried (mentally tested)...” (Revelation 2:10) As well as, “Woe to the inhabitants (“dwelling” thoughts) of the earth (the firmly held to lower thought plain) and of the sea (“roar, noisy”; mind's tumultuousness)! For sâtân (the adversarial “self” will, given it's last chance to destroy every mind it can) unto you, having great wrath (mental “vexation”), because he [the “self”] knows that he has a short time (BECAUSE HE IS BOUND TO YAHWEH'S PLAN AND THE TIMING OF IT).” (Revelation 12:12)