Message 262
It is wise to read again yesterday's message, in order to tempt your mind towards right thinking; there is holy tempting after all. The 144,000 understand that all wicked acts, and their daily increase in such a time as this, are under the complete Sovereign control of Yahweh. And for many who laud about His Sovereignty, it is Yahweh who lets us know that the lauding only goes so far. Because of a false and dangerous mainstream doctrine of a “pre-tribulation rapture”, many are indeed sheep waiting for slaughter. Sheep (“migrating”; wandering thoughts) waiting for slaughter (being “sacrificed” via doubt and fears).
It always begins within. And the unleashing of the full deprivation of the personal will (the sâtân) of Scripture has two objectives, as per Yahweh's plan:
1. To utterly give over souls destined to eternal retreat (the sheʼôwl (“hell”) of Scripture), forever banishing those minds from Yahweh's presence;
2. To fulfill His word that one must, “Lose his life (personal will: the sâtân) to find it (Yahweh's will)!”
Indeed the release of the fullness of the wickedness of the “self” will produces everything Yahweh intended and intends. And now the key to yesterday's message and today's:
If one does not correctly perceive and process that the rise of the wicked thoughts in wicked souls, which leads to wicked acts, is under the Sovereignly decreed plan of Yahweh, one's mind will rebel and end up warring against Yahweh! The 144,000 have been practicing “The idea that wickedness has been given the right via Yahweh's Sovereign Plan, to win for a season.” Not a wickedness within chosen souls of course, but within the form of purging Yahweh is bringing about through wickedness; the time of the 5th Seal. Quietly submitting, the 144,000 even now, are “turning the other check (“bitterness”) and submitting to Yahweh.