Message 263

And what happens when one has NOT been practicing, “Turn the other cheek (“bitterness”)”? Again, when one does NOT “turn from being bitter”, staying completely quiet; submitting to Yahweh's plan? The mind becomes filled with turmoil, that is what happens. And the turmoil is directly correlated to one's mental misperceptions of Yahweh's plans, of and about matters within. The 144,000 know that it will be the “planned” chaos and how it manifests in life physical, that will cause many chosen minds to crumble within. Their misperceptions of the true reality that, “Yahweh is increasing the wickedness within wicked minds for a purposed plan!”, leads to a great falling away. A falling away best described by Yahshua, at Mattithyah 24:12: “And because iniquity (mental “perversity”) will abound (via Yahweh's purposed plan), the love (false perceptions of “love” is the mind's rejection of true love) of many (“many” who once professed “belief”) will grow cold (“chill, quiet”; into fear).”

The 144,000 know that because one misperceives and therefore does not properly prepare and practice, fear will be the dominant mental characteristic within. A fear that will lead chosen children into the mandate, “Lose your life to find it!”, though not in a way they expected:

“And when he [Yahshua] opened (revealed within) the fifth (“favor”, though not in a way perceived unless a mind is ever so connected to Yahweh's will) seal (the mind's “fencing”, now released), I saw under the altar (mind's sacrifices) the souls (mind's breath) of the men (thoughts/humans) slain BECAUSE OF THE PLAN OF YAHWEH (emphasis mine)... And they (slain thoughts/slain men) cried with a loud voice, saying, 'How long, O Yahweh, Holy and True, until You judge and avenge our blood (mind's life force/physical sacrifice), on those (wicked thoughts) who dwell on earth (the firmly held to lower thought plain)?' And a white (pure) robe (covering) was given to them (sacrificed minds/sacrificed men); and it was said that they should rest a little season, until their fellow servants (supportive thoughts), and their brothers (“like” thoughts), who would be killed (sacrificed) as they, should be completed.” (Revelation 6:4-11)

First an utter purging of the minds of the chosen, then total wrath on those given over to “self” for eternity. The 144,000 understand that to know the plan is to be calm and poised of mind when wickedness gets really wicked --- because of a plan ---Yahweh's plan.


Message 262


Message 264