Message 264

“But Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) said to him ( a certain “thought”), 'Foxes (“burrower (hollow)”; the cunningness of the fallen will) have holes (“darkness”), and birds (“hopping, protruding”; unattainable ideas) of the air (“lofty” thinking), nests (“fixed, dwelling”; permanency due to the fallen will's obstinacy), but the son (“builder”) of man (broken minds intended for redemption) has nowhere to lay (“give”) his head (“shake”; the establishment of the mind's true authority).'” (Luke 9:58)

The 144,000 are conditioned to perceive “ALL things Kingdom!” And they have dug deep to understand what every verse, Hebraic intent applied, means to say of and about how one is commanded to think. For the end result is indeed an eternal Oneness with the Mind of Yahweh. Yahshua was Yahweh's anointed (“rubbed” with Yahweh's Mind) mind, sent to lead all chosen minds back to His Mind's presence. Yahweh has said of him, that he would be the “chief (“head, dominion”; leading thinker: the “head” of Luke 9:58) cornerstone (“angle, turn”; right mental perspective)” (Luke 20:17)

And so at Luke 9:58 we come to understand that the personal will and it's cunningness (foxes), has the darkness (holes) intended for such thinking. And the personal will's self grandizement and self reliant planning (birds of the air), has it's permanency within prideful minds. But the regeneration of Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant, represented by thoughts that cry, “Yahweh saves (Yahshua)!”; this being the dominant (chief) cornerstone (perspective) that Yahweh planned, is not welcomed!

All to reveal to the 144,000 one grand understanding: That lest Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant meant He Alone would “Finish His plan!” (Romans 9:28), that one's own personal will would indeed hate all of His ways (Romans 8:7), thus ruining His plan. It will not happen loved one. Though Yahshua's internal headship may always be rejected by the personal will, Yahweh will overcome within. An act of pure love for Him to do so, indeed.


Message 263


Message 265