Message 265

The Hebrew word is belîyaʽal כליעל (bel-e-yah'-al). It's definitions are “without profit, worthlessness”.

We have laid more then sufficient groundwork to reveal the Hebraic intent of the word son(s). A quick recap will suffice though: The Hebrew word is bên כן (bane). It's definition is “builder”. And because the Hebrew language always speaks first and foremost to a Kingdom within, Yahweh's thought world, we have Hebraic intent!

Children are the mind's building blocks. Referenced as such because these are not “old thoughts being renewed”, but rather, “new thoughts deriving from Yahweh's Unilateral act of placing His Mind's presence within chosen souls”. New thoughts!!

The 144,000 understand that the only “children/sons” that can indeed claim, “Yahweh is my Father!”, Are those He has called “Israel (thoughts “ruled by and for Yahweh's power”)”. (Genesis 45:21, 50:25, Exodus 1:1, 25:22, and many many more) And they know that all other “sons/children” cannot be Yahweh's. Our word above is commonly translated as “Belial”. We now see of his sons/children:

“But the sons (“builders”) of Belial (worthlessness), are all to be cast aside (away from Yahweh's mental presence) like thorns (“pricking”; removal of harvest), which are not gathered with the hand (mind's “grasp”).” (II Samuel 23:6)

“Builders of worthlessness!” And this only in the minds of those not considered as Yahweh's children. And only Yahweh's power can remove the “children of Belial (thoughts breeding inner worthlessness)”, within souls He has reckoned unto Himself.


Message 264


Message 266