Message 266
zâkâr זכר (zaw-kawr'); “remembered, mark”
neqêbah גקבה (nek-ay-baw'); from naqab גקב (naw-kab'); “puncture, perforate”
It is imperative to understand that the two Hebrew words above, definitions intact, represent what Yahweh has called His “image”. The Hebrew word that is commonly translated as “image” is tselem צלם (tseh'-lem). It's definitions are “shade, phantom, illusion”. Think it through!!! Why would Yahweh express His very own image as: Shade! Phantom! Illusion!? We must dig deeper!
“Yahweh is your keeper (“hedge, protect”; mind's stability). Yahweh is your SHADE (emphasis mine) (“destruction, extirpate”; protection from “self”) at your right (“stronger”; right brain) hand (mind's “grasp”).” (Psalm 121:5)
The 144,000 understand that Yahweh's “image” has always been and will always be a MENTAL LIKENESS!! And let it not ever be said that our Mighty Father is not ever-loving and ever humorous in His dealing with those He created in His mental likeness. The “shade”, the “phantom”, the “illusion”, was His brilliant wit aligned with His absolute foreknowledge of course: “Their all going to think its physical! That though I have never been a physical being and even declared 'No man has seen Me', they're all going to think I am speaking of and to a physical image.”
As stated, not the 144,000. And of our two initially defined words, they are commonly translated as “male (zâkâr)” and “female (neqêbah)”. And at Genesis 1:27 Hebraic intent makes clear that “remembered, mark” and “puncture, perforate”, are also created in His mental likeness. What is He saying to you of Himself, loved one?