Message 270
“Yahweh will cause your enemies (“adversary”), who rise up against you, to be defeated in front (the “front” seat of conscience) of you; they will come out (from darkness into the center of the thought stream) against you from one direction (as all “enemies” come from the same source), but flee from you in seven (“completion”) directions (mental ways; the “seven minds” of the fallen will (Mattithyah 10:1, 12:45, Mark 1:27, Luke 6:18, 10:20, 11:26, Revelation 16:4)).” (Deuteronomy 28:7)
We have to again reveal the mysterious “adversary”, that it would forever be sealed into memory. There is only one!!! Let's say it another way: “There is not more then one adversary in the entirety of Yahweh's created consciouses known as “male” and “female”. And we know where the enemy, the one enemy resides. And we know that the name of the adversary is given a specific Hebrew name----sâtân. And we know that part and parcel of the sâtân within is to “hiss” and “whisper” it's enchantments. And that the Hebrew word nâchâsh נחש (naw-khawsh'), was never ever intended to be translated as the non Hebrew word “serpent”.
If your serious about the will of Yahweh, there is a piece available on this site titled “The Devil Inside (Parts 1 & 2)”, and it is an exhaustive look at exactly what Hebraic intent intends to say regarding sâtân. Are you serious?