Message 271

The Hebrew word is kerem כרם (keh'rem). It's definition is “garden”. The Hebrew word for garden is gan גן (gan). It's definitions are “fenced, hedge”. And of the word fenced, we find the definitions “fortify, hem”. And for hedge we find “entwine, shut”, as it's definitions.

“And Noah (“rest, quieted”, thoughts trusting in Yahweh's full provision within), a man (body of thought) of the soil (“existing conscience”; commonly known as “husbandman”), proceeded to plant (“strike, fix”; consciously sow) a vineyard (our Hebrew word from above (kerem); a mind space recognizing Yahweh's will placed within, “entwine, shut”).” (Genesis 9:20)

Soon after what is commonly known as the “Noahic Covenant”, Noah (the mind rested and quieted by Yahweh's presence), establishes an environment within, just as it was at Genesis 2:8.

“And he drank (consciously imbibed) of the wine (“effervesce”; the fruit of being “entwined” and “shut” in by Yahweh's presence; mind fruit) and was intoxicated (“satiate”; overtaken by Yahweh's presence) and became uncovered (“stripped”; fully exposed to Yahweh's will) in his tent (“clearly”; the mind's covering, fully exposed to Yahweh).” (Genesis 9:21)

“What then [after the heir (Yahshua) is killed] will the owner [Yahweh] of the vineyard (the place within one's mind where one is “entwined” and “shut” in to the will of Yahweh) do? He will come and destroy the tenants [unclean thoughts], and will give the vineyard to others [clean thoughts].” (Mark 12:9)


Message 270


Message 272