Message 272
The Hebrew word is teshûwʻâh תשועה (tesh-oo-aw). It's definition is “rescue”.
“Behold, I show (mentally reveal) you a secret (hidden) truth: we (thoughts/humans) will not all sleep (be physically dead and consciously resting), but we will all be changed..”
The first portion of the verses we now explore, speaks directly to the 144,000. It has been said in these messages before: The 144,000 will be mentally resurrected unto perfection (Revelation 7:3) BEFORE PHYSICAL DEATH!
“In a moment (minds breath), in the twinkling (mental flash) of an eye (mental perception), at the last trumpet (“incising, clear”; mental manifestations of Yahweh's wrath and His redemption). For the trumpet will sound and the dead (minds “sleeping”) will be raised (consciously exalted into Oneness with Yahweh's will) incorruptible (unable to ever again perceive of the fallen “self” will), and we will be changed--”
At Revelation chapter 20 we have greater detail of the mental resurrection (the completion of what “salvation” was always intended to be) of many who are in fact chosen children. We see that verse 4 of chapter 20, a group we have often pointed to – those of Revelation 6:9-12.
“For this corruptible (still tainted with the “self” will) must put on incorruption, and this mortal (existing conscience) must put on immortality (the forever removal of any thoughts bound to “self”, and the mind's reclamation with the will of Yahweh). So when this corruptible will have put on incorruption, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will be brought to pass the saying that is written: Death (all of the thoughts borne forth of the personal, “self” will) is swallowed up in victory!” (I Corinthians 15:51-54)
And it is our word above, teshûwʻâh, that is commonly translated as “victory”.
Death will be swallowed up in rescue! Yahweh's total rescue of a mind from it's own “self”. This and this alone is what salvation is!