Message 273
“Who walks (mentally “goes”) righteously (right thinking based upon Yahweh's Mind patterns (Laws) alone) and speaks (consciously resounds) uprightly (“entire”; all truth)? He (the body of thought) who despises (consciously “spurns”) the gain of oppressions (thoughts that “violate” Yahweh's will); who shakes (“rustle”; breaks free) his hands (mind's “grasping”) of holding (mentally “obtaining”) bribes (“donation”; mental compromises against the will of Yahweh); who stops (consciously “closes”) his ears (“broadness”; the mind's understanding) of bloodshed (the mind's release of thoughts bound to “self”; the active life force of the carnal will within); and shut his eyes (“see”; mental perceptions) of seeing (mentally perceiving) wickedness (all “wrong” thinking borne forth of the personal will)! He (the body of thought who obeys) will dwell (consciously reside) on the heights (“rise”; exalted thought expanse where Yahweh has given His allotted boundaries of His Mind); his place (mind space) of defense (mental “refuge”) will be the fortress (“capture”; the mind's captivations with Yahweh's will) of rocks (“lofty”; exalted thinking); bread (“consume”; mental nourishment) will be given to him, his waters (mind's “fruitification”) will be sure...” (Isayah 33:15-16)
Life is in the mind. Life is the mind! When one travels the physical plain in a physical body, is it not so that even then it is in one's thoughts were life is lived? A cup of coffee is pleasure to what? Are the taste buds a conscience to themselves, or are they directly connected to the mind, and therefore coffee, a mind pleasure first?
The 144,000 know that it was intended that pleasures enjoyed in life physical are either “clean” pleasures of the mind, or “unclean” pleasures of the mind. Good fruit or bad fruit. And Hebraic intent intact, they know that a perfect mind declares the need for a “new heaven (a complete, undefiled understanding of Yahweh's will) and a new earth (“firmly” held understanding or Yahweh's will).” (Revelation 21:1)