Message 274
“The foundations (“settle, consult”) of the city (pure thought habitation) wall (“join”; unified) were adorned with all kinds of precious stones (“lofty”; exalted thinking); the first foundation was Jasper (“Yahweh's strength”; of the “Faith (Benyamin/Kepha (Peter))” faculty within), the second Sapphire (“Book of Yahweh”; of the “Strength (Naphtali/Andrew)” faculty within), the third Agate (“Elimination”; of the “Elimination (Simeon/Judas)” faculty within), the fourth Beryl (“give life”; of the “Order (Zebulun/Yaaqob James))” faculty within), the fifth Emerald (“heal”; of the “Power (Gad/Phillip)” faculty within), the sixth Ruby (“submit”; of the “Praise (Judah/Yahchanan (John))” faculty within), the seventh Chrysolite (“reverence”; of the “Joy (Asher/Bartholomew)” faculty within), the eighth Onyx (“zeal”; of the “Will (Ephraim)” and “Understanding (Manasseh)” faculties within, the sons (“builders”) of Yahseph (Joseph) (“He will add”)), the ninth Topaz (“pure”; of the “Zeal (Issachar/Simon)” faculty within), the tenth Turquoise (“Law”; of the “judgment (Dan/Yaaqob (James))” faculty within), the eleventh Jacinth (“Yahweh's Name”; of the “Life (Reuben/Thaddeus) faculty within), the twelfth Amethyst (“join”; of the “unity (Levi) faculty within).” (Revelation 21:19-20)
Small glimpses of what indeed the eternal mind shall experience, and the thought habitation (city) in which it shall forever reside. The 144,000 work hard to enjoy its awesome pleasures, even now.