Message 275
“And the twelve (“twofold accumulation”; perfect governance of the mental faculties) gates (mind's “openings”; see Yechezqêʼl (Ezekiel) 48:31-35) were twelve pearls (“turn, angle”; perfect mental perspective), each individual (1 of 12) gate (perfect mental opening) was of one pearl (perfect perspective)... And I saw no gentile (“foreign” thinking) sanctuary (“consecrated” mind space) in it; for the House (total allotted Mindset Yahweh has given to chosen souls) of Yahweh, the body (mind's “breath”) of anointing (thoughts “rubbed” in Yahweh will) was in it. And the city (thought habitation) had no need of the sun (conscience needing illumination in the context of the verse), neither of the moon (conscience needing renewal in the context of this verse), to shine in it; for the glory (mind's weightiness) of Yahweh does enlighten it, and it's lamp (“glistening”) is the Lamb (in the context, he who “dominated” the personal will).” (Revelation 21:21-23)
New and ever purified mental entrances. Each gate, a faculty waiting to receive, ever perfecting. No information coming in other then the perfect will of Yahweh! And for the 144,000 it is a desire not considered as, “Well, that's after I physically die!”, but for the here and now! For those given permission and believe it is, “Behold! Now is the acceptable time! Behold! Now is the day of salvation (mental perfection; a mind made One with Yahweh's Mind!).” (II Corinthians 6:2)