Message 276
“Yet I am Yahweh (“Power, Behold! Pierce, Behold!”), your Father (“Chief” Thinker) from the land (lower thought plain) of Egypt (“limit, border”; the carnal mind's perceptions of it's own boundaries in what thoughts are allowable), and you will acknowledge (consciously heed) no power (mental fortitude) or authority (mental headship) but Me; no Savior (“be open, wide, free”; Perfecter of mind) except Me!” (Hôwshêäc 13:4)
If anyone was very very clear that the One Savior was Yahweh, it was Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset). There is no better book in the whole of the Scriptures to illustrate Yahshua's submission to Yahweh, then the book of Yahchanan (John). The 144,000 understand words such as, “If you knew the gift of Yahweh,” (4:10) and, “My food is to do the will of Him Who sent me, and to finish His work,” (4:34) and, “The son can do nothing on his own, but what he sees the Father doing...” (5:19) and, “For by no means have I come outside the Father's authority TO DO MY OWN WILL (emphasis mine), but rather to do the will of the One Who sent me,” (6:38) and, “My doctrine is not mine, but Him Who sent me,” (7:16) and, “He who is of Yahweh hears Yahweh's plans,” (8:47) and, “Father, glorify Your name,” (12:8) and, “The Father is greater then I.” (14:28)
The 144,000 know exactly what Yahshua clearly expressed: That when a soul says “Savior”, there is only One to whom this title belongs. And yes, they know that the modern day church ignores Yahshua's very own words and in doing so, robs the Father of the Glory that Yahshua spoke fervently about. Can Yahweh have been any more clear in the matter? Was it not very telling that He named His first born son (“builder”), “Yahweh Saves!” (Yehôwshûea)