Message 277

The 144,000 crave an understanding of all mysteries of the Kingdom; a Kingdom placed into the “center of intellect (heart)” of chosen souls. Of those great mysteries is one of many patterns. The Hebrew word is chedvâh חרוה (khed-vaw'). It's definition is “rejoicing”. It is a word only utilized twice in all of Scripture, but the verse in which it resides warrants the unveiling: “Do not grieve (mentally “languish”) or sorrow (“break”; consciously disconnect from Yahweh's will), for your joy (the “chedvâh” of the matter; rejoicing!) in Yahweh is your strength (“fortified”; mental steadfastness).” (Nehemyah 8:10)

“For your rejoicing in Yahweh is your mental stability!” The 144,000 don't just read the words, they work hard to apply the patterns. They act in obedience and not based upon how things “feel” to them. If “rejoicing” means mental stability from Yahweh, they rejoice – whether or not it feels “good” to them. Acts of obedience: Rejoicing = stability! Thus sayeth Yahweh!

Of course as with all of Yahweh's Mind patterns (Laws), they work in unison with one another. Though one may have to fight for the obedience to “Rejoice!”, it is also known that the pattern to removing any resistance to ANY command, is that which Yahweh has called “yadah ירע (yaw-dah')”; “grasp, power, revere”; commonly translated as “confession”. It is true confession of any and all thoughts that might say, “I don't want to obey!”, that ignites the mind, via Yahweh's Sovereign choice to do so, and allows for even greater rejoicing and therefore greater strength!


Message 276


Message 278