Message 278
ʼAmnôwn אמינון (am-nohn'); “faithful”
Tâmâr תמר (taw-mowr'); “be erect”
It's what happens when the mind attempts to believe that it is keeping Yahweh's Ways, though it is far from His Mind. One of the greatest pitfalls to every chosen soul can be commonly expressed as “self deception”. It is those very thoughts that convince us, “I'm good!”, leading to the erroneous belief that we are obedient and faithful (ʼAmnôwn) to Yahweh.
And when pure emotions, those from Yahweh's Kingdom, are perceived by the self deceiving “self”, the results are disastrous:
“Amnon (the mind's deception, leading to thoughts that erroneously believe one is obedient to Yahweh's will) was so vexed (mentally frustrated) over Tamar (upright emotions led by Yahweh's Mind) that he became sick (mentally “worn”).” (II Samuel 13:2)
And when one's own perceptions of holiness are what leads the mind, this fraudulent deception has no choice but to literally rape any purity of emotions established by Yahweh's will within. The 144,000 understand that misguided wisdom can never cohabitate with pure emotions; these two shall never become one! And they understand that the internal representations of wisdom (right brain, “male” side) and understanding (left brain, “female” side) must both derive from Yahweh's will alone!