Message 279
If deceptively so, then Yahweh has allowed it. Some translations of Hebrew words seem very deliberate in their quest to destroy Hebraic intent. In doing so they can only ever lead a mind away from Yahweh's truths: His Mind patterns (Laws) revealed to chosen souls.
Our Hebrew word is deber רכר (deh-ber). It's definition is “destroying”. It's root word is one previously vetted; dâbâr רכר (daw-bar'); “arrange, speak, subdue”.
And what is deber actually “destroying”? That which is being “arranged”, “spoken” and “subdued”, of course! And if from and of the Hebrew language, then where is this destruction of what is arranged, spoken and subdued, taking place? Within of course!
The 144,000 understand that every single verse that utilizes the word deber, would have been much more true to Hebraic intent had translators utilized the very words, “destroying/destruction”. In fact of the many words often translated as “destroy, destroyed, destroying, destruction”, deber never makes the cut. Hmm... If deceptively so, then Yahweh allowed it! Let's look at a couple of verses with deber and put it's definition in and see what we find:
“Let us (thoughts chosen to be “ruled by and for Yahweh's will”; Israel) take three days journey into the wilderness (“driving, pasture”; the place within where the “self” is exposed), and sacrifice (“slaughter” wrong thinking) to Yahweh; or He may strike us with destruction (deber) or with the sword (“drought, cutting”; mental despair).” (Exodus 5:3) And one more:
“And I [Yahweh] will strike this city (thought habitation meant for purity, but in dire disobedience) and it's inhabitants (“turn, sojourn”; wandering thoughts), both man (existing conscience not yet sleeping) and beast (“mute, dumb”; foolish thoughts); they will die of a great destruction (deber).” (Yechetzqyah (Ezekiel) 21:6)
What do you think immediately when you hear the word “pestilence”? Very very very few of you think of matters within! The 144,000 must!!! A terrible translation of “deber”, leading the mind away from the truth and into deception. If deceptively so, then Yahweh has allowed it.