Message 280

Either way (mind path) obedience is required. “To have or not to have?”, and this in reference to Yahweh's Mind within. And to have carries a wonderful responsibility in that, “I must keep my mind clean at all times, that Yahweh would find a pleasant aroma to dwell among.” The other option is indeed much more difficult, only to end in mental brokenness:

“When the unclean mind has gone out of a man (body of thought), it [the unclean thinking] walks (mentally “goes”) through dry (parched) places (mind spaces), seeking rest (mental “repose”) but finding none; so it says, 'I will go back into the house (totality of thoughts) from which I came out', and when it comes, it finds it vacant (at “leisure”), swept clean, and in order (mentally “arranged”). Then it (unclean thinking) goes and brings with it seven (“complete”) other minds (“mindsets”) more wicked then itself, and they enter and dwell (consciously reside) there. And the last state of that man (body of thought) is worse than the first. So will it be with this wicked (“wrong” thinking) generation (perpetuations in thought).” (Mattithyah 13:43-45)

The 144,000 understand well the end result of the house that pretends it can, of the “self”, do it's own house cleaning. As with those thoughts that “draw out (Môsheh)” Yahweh's will within, unless to it's utter completion, the mind cannot travel to the promised land (renewed thought plain of “substance” (milk) and “sweetness” (honey)). (Deuteronomy 35:35) And to believe one can do it alone; “righteousness on my own”, the words of Mattithyah 13:43-45 wait to invade. And the effort towards a righteousness borne of “self” is far greater, and again, to no avail.


Message 279


Message 281