Message 281

Jargon. The 144,000 don't buy into any of it, and by “buy in” it means they waste no thoughts on doctrines of fallen minds. And there is no greater jargon then that which assumes one can still have a mind that sins, and yet be “saved”. The modern churches offer of overwhelming deceptions, when discussing matters of what the Hebrew language calls yeshûwʻâh ישועה (yesh-oo-wa') and teshûʻâh תשועה (tesh-oo-aw') (“rescue, be free”). Indeed about 95% of the time, scriptures regarding “salvation” utilize yeshûwʻâh as the translated Hebrew word. The common translation for yeshûwʻâh, of course being Yahshua.

And of Yahshua, the son of Yahweh, never once did he act upon his own personal will; a will distinctly separate from the Father's will. And it was his obedience in this that kept him “sinless” and fit for duty. And because salvation (literally “Yahshua”) can ONLY be en-captured in processes of thought (those that followed Yahweh's Mind patterns (Laws) to perfection), to claim “salvation” another way is blasphemy!! And in this truth hundreds of fallen minded doctrines fall to the dust. That millions walk around with the objective to “save others”, while yet still sinning regularly; a travesty. Rather then, “I cannot give (mentally offer) what I have yet to possess (mentally acquire) myself!”, it is “Go save the world!”, while mentally broken (lawless!)! It is this mental death trap and many like it that the 144,000 are shaking off, even now. They must in order to heed the call of the 144,000.


Message 280


Message 282