Message 282
The question posed was, “Can the blind lead the blind (“film”)?” At first consideration many have a propensity to say “No!”, but of course the answer is “Yes!” As Yahshua stated at Luke 6:39, and in reference always to a Kingdom/kingdoms within, the “ditch (“pit, destruction”; mental depravity)” is the end result. And keeping true to Hebraic intent, revealing things that precede life physical, we have a specific group that though they can physically see, are among those that Yahshua calls “Blind!”
“Let them [the “Perets (break)”; commonly known as “Pharisee”] alone (without holy guidance). They are blind leaders of the blind.” (Mattithyah 15:14) The 144,000 pay special attention to what is often described as “context” of the verses. “Nuance” would also be an appropriate word to discuss the deeper matters of each verse, what has often been called “Hebraic intent”. At Mattithyah 15:14 it is not only the broken minded (Perets) that has the mental “film” over their mind's perceptions, but also those who heed their mentality! The 144,000 know that Yahweh has made it so that every individual soul (mental life force) is 100% responsible for it's own eternity; there will no “But he said...!”, when each soul bows! (Philippians 2:10-11) Its a serious matter loved one – who you allow to guide your mind. We let Yahshua speak to solidify the matter: “For judgment (righteous sifting) I have come into this world (the entire thought body of the fallen personal will), that those [chosen minds] who do not see (mentally perceive) might see; and that those, who do see (and yet are blinded by the personal will) might not see.” (Yahchanan 9:39) The 144,000 are ferocious about personal responsibility!