Message 283

Your speech is without question your mind's plan(s). It's no small thing that the Hebrew word dabar רכר (daw-bar') (“arrange, plan, subdue”) is translated over four hundred times in Scripture as the word “speak”.  The mind's plans become the manifestation in life physical.

The 144,000 know that fallen minds have their mantras. Among them are sayings like, “Speak for yourself!” A mentality (what Hebraic intent describes as a “nation”) that is paradox to every pattern Yahweh allows for His chosen children (“builders”). Yahweh's pattern decree such: “He who is of Yahweh, hears (“understands”) Yahweh's plans...” (Yahchanan 8:47) And it is those words of those very plans that His children speak, and no more: “That every word against the Plan that men [thoughts] will speak (mentally arrange; physically say), they will give an account for in the day of sentencing (eternal verdict over each individual conscience).” (Mattithyah 12:36)

And the 144,000 know there is no better witness to Yahweh's Mind patterns (Laws) then Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset). His words tell all:

“I do nothing of myself (of “self”); but as my Father has taught me, I speak these things.” (Yahchanan 8:28) And:

“He who speaks (MENTALLY PLAN'S) on his own seeks his own glory; but he who seeks the glory of the One Who sent him is true, and no unrighteousness (wrong thinking) is in him.” (Yahchanan 7:18)


Message 282


Message 284