Message 287
The Hebrew word is niddâh נרה (nid-daw'). It's definitions are “rejection, impurity”.
“When a woman's (the intended representation of “understanding”, that if in it's fallen state, leads to carnal emotions within) flow of blood (niddâh; remembrance of the emotions that led to the fall; the rejected and impure emotions within) has come, she will continue in her impurity (a memorial to the fallen state of personal emotions) for seven (“completion”) days. Anyone [any thought, any man] who touches (mentally reaches to grasp) will be be unclean until sunset.” (Leviticus 15:9)
And because the woman is the “bond (mother) of all active (living) thoughts,” (Genesis 3:20) we see the price paid for allowing the carnal emotions within. A perpetual reminder to never allow the mind to be driven by what fallen mind's call “feelings”, but to be lead by Yahweh's wisdom (male side, right brain). And it is only His wisdom that can bring the mind's emotions back into conformity with His will (Genesis 3:16). Right brain (wisdom; male) leading left brain (understanding; female), to become “one”, and in this one it is meant to express “right thinking (righteousness)” unto Yahweh's will and therefore, right emotions.